Tuesday, 31 May 2011

five hundred K?

aku risau. takut nnt kalo aku blk ngan degree..di consider langgar kontrak dgn mara.
kawan aku ckp, dia mybe kena byr full (5ook). kes dia, repeat year.

aku? still 50/50. last sem, nasib xmenyebelahi..aku fail some paper..then HoD kate, kena pass smua sem nie baru eligible utk seat summer resit.

otherwise..i have to go back with BEng (degree). padahal kontrak MEng (master) so, aku kena buat betul2 utk exam kali nie. betul betul punya!

aku xnk nnt kalo kena byr full..indirectly, aku dah menyusahkan laki aku..dah menyusahkan famili aku. susah hati woo.. xpernah aku sedown gini. =(

smlm, aku dh buat smyg hajat..dgn doa sepenuh hati.

"ya Allah, jika benar ini ujian dariMu..jika benar aku harus tempuhi ujianMu ini..aku redha..namun ya Allah, Engkau lipatgandakanlah rezeki kami..supaya kami mampu untuk melangsaikan hutang-hutang kami" Amin..

hehehe..lipatganda..jutawan la kan?wawawah..over tau..but seriously? 500thousands????? i'll be dead meat bankrupt.

kawan2..doakan aku sama ye..aku mengharapkan doa darimu jua.. hope aku pass smua paper n dapat blk dgn master. InsyaAllah..

Sunday, 29 May 2011

omaigod omaigod! sandra azwan follow me back??

ceh.gaya exsaited menyampah cam nak tampaq laju2 ja. but i'm really xcited really..yabeda beduu.. cam terencat la pulok!

sape sandra azwan tu? ntah..i don't know him/her. sandra..sounds like a female..and azwan pulok? maybe her last name. tp gambaq2 cam macho ja..pls correct me if i'm wrong ya. sori yep.(ni la musibah pada yg malas nk buat research) .. oh, don't blame the innocent.. but i'll visit ur blog frequently thereafter for sure.. i fancy ur blog tawww...kretip.

nk dijadikan cerita,ade la aku jenguk his/her blog satu hari.terkebetulan pulok sbb tgh elok mencari resipi, terbukak blog seorg minah blogger yg sangat aktif mengupdate blog dgn resipi2 makanan siap ngan gambar bahan2 masak lagi ..(which also a good idea for me to duplicate..muahaha) dan, dari situ ade terselit pasal malaysian next top female blogger! and rasanya si sandra azwanlah mastermind for the event/contest ..not so sure.

but yep..i am, of course not eligible to participate.oh please don't ask me why. it's obvious! so, to sandra azwan.. best of luck for ur mission to look for the top female blogger! ur blog is awwww some! =)

Wednesday, 25 May 2011

u are what u believe! btl kan?

byk buku motivasi aku baca, u have to be a positive thinker..because you are what you think you are. aku? if that's the case, then i am driving myself bad i guess.. because i do not think that i am best in anything that i do. in terms of study la.. an work as well. but i do think that..i am best in any housework, cooking and even dressing myself up. kua3..yeppa!

sometimes i am very positive, most of the time? negative..but i don't think i'm stupid. even i failed in something.before.but ain't a loser. i have my will..i have my determination. well..how do i describe myself? rajin.. i am such a hardworking person. i cant' just sit and do nothing. even if i sit still, i fiddle. but that's not a best description ever la..lagi..aku baik hati. cececeh..ntah, aku rasa, aku ok la..jarang ngumpat..(kkdg terjoin gak..but hardly came out from me) xsuka pk buruk ttg org lain.. tp aku garang gak..mudah hangin..ish, boleh ke masuk bakul angkat sdiri. hua3

but i do think, i have something that other ppl don't have. org lain pon..because we are unique in every way..what happened, nasib x menyebelahi.. "Not everything that counts can be counted, and not everything that can be counted counts." Too many people miss the silver lining because they're expecting gold. ape aku membebel ni labu.. aku down lah. duduk sini.. even aku byk usaha..tp nasib xmenyebelahi.. tgk kwn2 lain dpt result best..aku x. kwn2 lain buat study group. aku x. duk sini..aku dh jadi cam socially ackward lah pulak.
but whatever it is.. i am gratefull.. my hubby and my baby is the greatest gift ever. (positive kan?) =p

Tuesday, 17 May 2011

pasal seprais masa bday aku aritu la

artikel nie sbnrnye nk post lama dh..tp aku ter save as draft plk.sbb ingt aritu nk edit ag..ade nk ltk gmbr.ok2. aku p0st dulu.blk nnt edit blk..ceh, artikel tu..hahah

xsangka plk pandai dia buat seprais..berbunga hati akak.. malam 00.00 14th May 2011 xde plk dia nk wish sepatah.saje je kan.buat xtau je. aku biarkan aje..saje nk tgk. nk tunggu,..bile baru dia nk teringat.tp cam xlogik dia lupe.biasa dia yg duk sokmo ingat..aritu pn aku yg nyaris lupe bday dh dekat. pagi tu pn dia buat xtau je..panass je akak ni duk umah kan.hahah..malas nk buat prangai budak2, akak pegi library..mcm biasa. masa duk lib, terpk jgk mcm2 plan.xpelah kalo dia xingt pn..nnt aku ingatkan je lah.mengalah~ nnt nk g beli kek, nk picnic kat tasek, then nk g tgk muvi, fast & furious. blk tu, nk buat lah plan,.pastu cpt je dia suruh akak tgk iman, dia pakai baju siap2..kata nk beli lauk..tp lauk ade lg sket..xpelah, biarkan je lah..blh je nk beli lauk.blh msk best2 sket.tp cam ari jadi aku mls je nk msk.treat myself like a princess la plk..kui3.mkn kat luar. hmm..blk tu, aku dh siap2kan iman, tinggal aku je nk bersiap..pegi dapur tgk tersadai paperbag berisi hadiah, eskrem n kek.. terharu beb. xsangka dia buat seprais gitu. saje buat xtau,tinggal hadiah kat dapo..tempat berwajib utk aku jejak tiap kali. b, i love u lah cam nie..sampai bile2..terharu sampai merah mata ni ha..air mata keterharuan..hehhee.. ptg tu g tgk muvi separuh jalan..sbb muvi dh start..blk tu dia nk men bola plk..aku kata, ok lah..nnt blk men bola lah g tgk..mlm pn blh..iman pn tdo time tu..sng. pastu dia blk lmbat..aku pn xsiap2 lg..xjadi nk g nonton. lenkali pn xpe..

Saturday, 14 May 2011

today is my birth date!

hepi birthday to me..tepat pada tarikh yang sama 29tahun yg lepas..hihik..byknye nombor tu.wow..selama mengharungi tiap2 tahun, or so to speak..detik2 kehidupan.. mcm2 lah aku kena hadapi, lalui, halangi.. seperti kata aku sdiri, aku matang dengan menghimpun kisah2 hidup seperti..mengorek hidung dan mengumpul tahi2 hidung di bawah meja, mencabut bulu2 yg tumbuh tidak pernah kenal erti penat,..garis2 selulit yg bertambah bawah bontot, rambut2 yg gugur dan digugurkan..pasang kasut yg lusuh berjalan, baju yg luntur berpeluh, mata yang nampak segala benda yg patut dan tak patut, hidung yg membantu utk bernafas dan penting utk deria bau seperti menghidu ketiak sendiri, aku, fizikal aku, otak aku, hati aku..aku xhidup tanpa semua ni em, i mean..semua ni membantu aku utk hidup..kita,bila digunapakai, of course lah lusuh..ade ciri2 tear and wear individually..depends jgk on how delicate and love u put in taking care of it..ehem, ur self. =p so, di tahun akhir utk aku menikmati my 2oth nie..how shall i describe myself? well, wrinkled all over..kikikih, teeth decaying, hair is minimizing (kan bagus kalau hair disini ialah body hair *sigh*), eyes blurring..need technology's and optician's abilities help..ape lagi, ha.lutut dh start sakit..area lateral collateral ligament and patella (knee caps) yg semakin sakit esp ketika bersila and sujud. aku dh lusuh..itu je the most suitable description utk aku..blm lagi termasuk lusuh sbb digunapakai oleh cik abang..kikiki..opps..will come back on that lateerrrrr!!. NOT!! =)
sigh* hidup..pasti akan mati.. 'ALHAMDULILLAH'..itu lah perkataan yg paling sesuai utk aku sebut setiap masa, esp ari istimewa nie..utk mengingatkan aku padaNya yg masih lagi memberi peluang utk aku..merasa kehidupan dan memperbetulkan kesilapan.. bersyukurnya aku kerana masih lagi bersama orang2 tersayang..mampu lagi utk memberi,..pada yang seharusnya menerima. iman, u has made myself clear on the purpose of my life.. thx my sweet pea. hepi bday to me.. my first bday with a baby..my 3rd bday with my hubby, my 29th birthday with my parents (thank god they still here), my 27th bday with nayi, my entah ke berapa kali ntah ngan abang2..lupe dh umur mereka. =P well, my dear friend..pada sape yg baca tulisan aku yg mengarut nie.. sedih gak sbb makin tua kita..makin byk yg kita perlu korbankan..kan?tahniah pada yg tercapai impian masa kecik dulu..never give up, there will be traffic diversion in life..pada yg xtercapai impian mereka. byk lagi other options yg mungkin..better for u. bcause, everything happen for a reason, remember?? erm,..kawan2..makin hari kita...makin byk kot 'to do list' nya, hehe..erm, dosa2 pn makin bertambah..hopefully sentiasa diberikan peluang utk bertaubat, byk jgk yg masih blm terlaksana, kalau aku..kerja pn xconfirm lagi..result pun xbagus..ade ke yg nak amik keje nnt..huhu,tawakal saja.erm,dan juga..makin ramai kawan yg menjauh, tapi syukur..walaupun begitu..ceh, hehe..deep down in my heart..everyone still here..with me..even by far. i'll never forget the memories within. saat gelak ketawa, saat menitis air mata, saat bermasam muka, saat bergossip tentang sesiapa, saat bercemburu buta sesama kita, semua tu..too precious to be forgotten. kan. jom, sama2 kita bersyukur..kerana hari ni masih ada..utk kita be a better person..abaikan kelusuhan diri..tear and wear is normal. no worries, smua org akan mati..so, stiap detik yg bakal kita lalui..beat the most of it. make urself and every people u love or not!..happy. make today as tommorow never come. and yeah..make the most of it. ok? alhamdulillah for everything.. may Allah bless me, my family, my friend and all muslims around the world. =) peace!

bile dh jadi mama..

bila dh jadi mama..most of the thing became second and third or even last in me. bcause anak, is the most important above all. i precious all time dedicated to her..and wish every time is the best. but, to make everything worth the bit..there are sacrifices to challenge. which is, not as easy as i thought before. Even somewhat tiring, patience's boiling .. but it worth all the fact that when u look into her eyes, when she asleep..when she cries for hug..u just felt love that pays all the sweats. iman, mama love u to bit.