Saturday 2 February 2013

Reclaim your hear. worth reading.

“So often we experience things in life, and yet never see the connections between them. When we are given hardship, or feel pain, we often fail to consider that the experience may be the direct cause or result of another action or experience. Sometimes we fail to recognize the direct connection between the pain in our lives and our relationship with Allah SWT” ― Yasmin Mogahed, Reclaim Your Heart

Thursday 6 December 2012

How to make your kids feel loved

Malam2 xleh tdo, ada plk peluang mngadap laptop after awhile mmg dh bersawang laptop..apa2hal pki henpon je. then, ada tbaca satu article nie..sbnrnya tgn yg mencari..sbb suka baca benda2 mcm nie..duk pk mcamanalah nk jd good parent for my children. Eager to learn abt good parenting technique. Sbnrnya, i feel that it's good for every parents always make research and ask ppl abt how to become one, and once learned then it's important to maintain the attitude without return back to old u. hmm..well, it's easy to say but as for me sgtlah ssh nk maintainkannya. hee..and then u have to learn how to accept and dealing with the challenges of parenting world. yg penting, slalu fikirkan cara dealt with yourself rather than blaming ur child's attitude.
Wake your child up each morning with a hug, kiss and an "I love you!" Even if the day goes downhill from there with the usual arguments, behavior corrections, tantrums, your child will know that no matter what happens, he is loved. How does he know? Because you told him so!
Be a good listener and ask lots of questions about your child's day, feelings, wants and needs. Be willing to converse on topics of interest to the child, such as Pokemon, Dora the Explorer, Thomas the Tank Engine, Bakugan or Yo Gabba Gabba. Knowing that you value her opinions and that you are interested in what she likes can make your child feel worthy of attention, appreciated and loved.
Include your child in your activities. Even a toddler can "help" you make dinner by placing chopped vegetables in a bowel or shaking a little salt and pepper on a dish. Older kids can set the table, shovel the sidewalk, bring in the mail or empty the trash. Giving your child responsibilities, no matter how small, lets him know you value his contribution and trust him to do things properly.
Give lots of hugs and pats on the back. Tossel your child's hair. Hold his hand or cuddle up inside a big blanket with her when you sit beside her on the sofa. Physical affection is one of the best ways to convey your love and a sense of belonging and safety to your child. Whenever possible, include your child in your personal space, draping an arm over their shoulder, snuggling in a big easy chair while you read stories, giving a random kiss on the cheek or forehead whenever the thought crosses your mind. Don't wait for a special reason to be affectionate with your child. Make it automatic.
Read to your child every night, no matter how old he is or how well he can read. A nightly reading ritual provides a sense of security and love. It also creates positive associations between the act of reading and the comfort of home and family, which can inspire a lifelong love of literature. Whether it's a board book or 15 minutes of a chapter book each evening, remain consistent in the ritual and your child will drift off to sleep each night knowing he is loved.
By Tammy Quinn Mckillip, eHow Contributor
she has started conveniencely walking. it's been early of her tenth months now and she had begun to walk, confidently. macam fast the time flies. a history to be cherished in the future.
It's December 2012. A month for the moment of my beloved little dearie, SUFI ISLAMI..walking.
Mama is very proud of you, syg !

Wednesday 28 December 2011

how to be a wife that a husband care and love a lot?

Bagaimana mahu menjadi isteri yg disayangi suami? hanya satu pinta isteri, untuk suami membela dan membimbing hidupnya sehingga ke akhir hayat yg boleh membawa ke syurga. apakah punca suami tidak mahu menunjukkan kasih dan sayangnya kepada isteri? ketika di alam perkenalan, percintaan, pertunangan dan rumah tangga sgtlah x sama.. indah ketika bercinta, sentiasa mahu bertemu, bergayut sampai ke pagi.. dugaan ketika bertunang bukan senang utk ditempuhi..darah masing2 tengah manis, dan ketika itulah syaitan berbisik ke telinga untuk cinta berbelah bahagi. Namun, org kata kalau dh jodoh xkemana.. ikatan perkahwinan diteruskan jua..utk sama2 merasai nikmat alam rumah tangga..dugaan demi dugaan datang ..kehidupan ketika masih berdua dan ketika hadirnya zuriat sangatlah tidak sama..banyak dugaan yang harus ditempuh.. sehingga saat ini, sering tertanya-tanya..adakah terdapat ketidakserasian di antara kami? Jika dulu hanya suaraku yg mahu didengar, tapi sekarang sepatah perkataan dari bibirku sering dipersoalkan. Apakah salahku? Aku rindukan suami aku yg dulu..
wahai suami..jika benarlah aku bersalah terhadapmu..jgnlah engkau diam membisu..janganlah engkau tidak menghiraukan aku..namun, bisiklah ke telingaku walau dengan sepatah kata yg mampu menginsafkanku..yg mampu membawa aku menjadi isteri yg disayangi dan diredhai oleh mu..
aku hanya mahu menjadi isteri yg terbaik di matamu..

aku seorang yg sensitif, kuat merajuk, xpandai nk menggoda dan mengajak bermanja, x seksi, x sejelita fasha sandha.. aku cuma mahu menjadi isteri yg terbaik untuk suami dan ibu yg mithali kepada anak2ku.. Ya Allah, bimbinglah aku menjadi isteri yg terbaik buat suamiku..kerana aku masih sayangkan segalanya yg kami bina bersama..hanya kepadaMu tempatku mengadu, hanya kepadaMu aku berserah dan hanya kepada Mu jualah aku meminta pertolongan. Amin

Saturday 16 July 2011

Bila ujian menimpa diri, byk2 senyum, byk2 sabar, hargai apa yg ada disekeliling kita, muhasabah diri, percaya pada qada dan qadar, byk2 mengadu padaNya nescaya jiwa akan tenang.. Alhamdulillah.. di sebalik dugaan Kau selitkan 1001 hikmah yg tak ternilai..

courtesy to kak niza..

Friday 24 June 2011

jeles jugak =|

ramai yg dh bjya..dh abis n nk blk msia dgn sng hati..
bln dpn konvo plk..most of my course mates bile org tnye aku..tpksa la bgtau..i'm not attending..bcoz..ade fail paper.. famili pn asik duk tnya mcm2..aku xtau caner nk jwb dh..
sedihnye bile dh jd camnie..selagi result xkluar..slagi tu la aku xde jwpan utk smua soalan2 ats angin tu..ade kwn yg dh dpt offer letter utk sambung lagi..ade yg tgh duk prepare utk interbiu. ade yg duk sonot2 cari baju ape nk pakai utk konvo nnt..jelesnye kat korang2 smua.. seronoknye tp
aku boleh tumpang hepi je..
aku xtau samada nk dtg ke x konvo nnt utk meraikan mereka2 yg dh berjaya..hmm..
ruhma!terima je kenyataan..luck is not always to blame.

Friday 3 June 2011

happy first birthday!

1 year today!

to my dearest apple pie cupcake honeybum chocolate chip , happy 1 year old and have ur first birthday today!!

we love u to bit!